The Epic Games Store free games of the week are Garden Story and World War Z: Aftermath

This week the Epic Games Store is offering two very different games for free: Garden Story, and World War Z: Aftermath. Garden Story Release Date:


How to unlock the new Warband campsites in World of Warcraft patch 11.1

One of the most exciting features of World of Warcraft: The War Within was the introduction of Warbands, which (among other things) show off our


Dragon Soul Parsing Rules on Warcraft Logs – Cataclysm Classic: Hour of Twilight

With the release of Dragon Soul in Cataclysm Classic, Warcraft Logs has released its ruleset for this raid. While there are not currently any rules


Valor Cap Increased to 3200 for North American Servers – Cataclysm Classic

After this week’s reset, players on the EU servers were surprised to find that their Valor cap was 3200, rather than the expected 1600. Due


Patch 11.1 PTR Trinket and Cantrip Hotfixes – Spymaster’s Web and Treacherous Transmitter Nerfed

Some fresh trinket and cantrip hotfixes nerfs Spymaster’s Web and Treacherous Transmitter on the Patch 11.1 PTR! Liberation of Undermine OverviewLiberation of Undermine Rewards If


Raider.IO Interview Preview with Morgan Day and Katrina Yepiz – Non-Group Buffs in Season 2

Raider.IO has released a short clip from an interview with Associate Game Director Morgan Day and Associate Encounter Designer Katrina Yepiz, answering a popular question


Countdown to Classic Interview with Morgan Day – Healers in Mythic+, Season 1 in Review

Countdown to Classic interviewed Associate Game Director Morgan Day discussing healers in Mythic+, Season 1 and Delves in review and more! You can check out


Are you worthy to wield the ban hammer in Hearthstone’s Battle of the Bans Tavern Brawl? Unfortunately, the Brawl is currently bugged

The power of the ban hammer is in your hands in this week’s Hearthstone Tavern Brawl: Battle of the Bans. There’s no random element this


Molten Front ‘Aggressive Growth’ Quest Hotfixed – Cataclysm Classic

Blizzard has released a Hotfix for Cataclysm Classic which now allows players to receive credit for the Aggressive Growth quest in the Molten Front. Molten


Naxxramas Raid Difficulty Reset By Hotfix – Season of Discovery

Blizzard has announced that a Hotfix released earlier today may cause players’ Naxxramas raid difficulty to be reset. If you have yet to complete Naxxramas