I’m happy to report that this is the five-year anniversary of my taking over the Queue!
It’s a little hard to believe that it’s been so long already. It feels like just yesterday that I wrote my first one. In theory, then I was just taking over briefly while Anne worked as a temporary Blizzard Historian. Of course, she’s amazing, and that turned into a full-time position — so I got stuck the privilege of writing this Queue permanently!
It’s hard to believe how many Queues I’ve written, and I haven’t gone back through and counted each of them, but roughly that’s 260 Queues! Just a mind-boggling amount of words and exclamation points!
Looking back at the first one I did, I’ve come a long way. There was an Earworm for Anna, but it hadn’t turned into a regular thing yet. You also hadn’t started to get a weekly picture of Bacardi, and since there are only 89 pictures of him in the media library, that tradition is coming up on its two-year anniversary. Who knows what my Queues will look like at my ten-year anniversary!
While I go and bother Liz about my five-year sword, it’s time for — The Queue!
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